Body Sculpting Pros and Cons

Exercise and healthy diet are cornerstones of an active lifestyle, yet even rigorous workout regimens and diets don’t always guarantee slim abs, toned arms and thighs despite best efforts. When stubborn fat pockets remain, minimally invasive body shaping procedures such as laser body sculpting may provide solutions. Have your dreams of attaining your ideal physique without surgery or downtime seemed too good to be true?


What is Body Sculpting?

Non-invasive body sculpting (also referred to as body contouring and shape shaping) is one of the best non-surgical approaches available today for creating leaner and tighter bodies. By altering certain areas such as abdominals, thighs back, love handles or buttocks using specific body sculpting methods (which reduce and shape them), we can make our bodies leaner while eliminating stubborn body fat deposits through this minimally invasive procedure. Some methods to help make body sculpting an option include:

  • Fat freezing can help rid our bodies of fat cells by sucking out any fatty tissues and fluids stored there.
  • Tightening muscles through electrical stimulation of muscles.
  • Toning muscle groups through electrical stimulation of muscles.
  • Injecting solution for fat dissolving into smaller zones.

What Are the Different Types of Body Sculpting?

There are various proven body contouring techniques available to you for weight loss or shaping of trouble spots with minimum discomfort afterwards, among them are:



Cryolipolysis uses precise cooling technology to target fat pockets on various parts of your body and shape specific areas more precisely, using CoolSculpting Elite as an example of this procedure. A device placed at a target location acts like an air vacuum; targeted fat cells are disintegrated and frozen without harm to surrounding tissue or skin and eventually expelled through natural means by your body resulting in healthier skin with more defined contours and an overall improved appearance.



Tumescent Liposculpure, also referred to as Awake Lipo, is one of the most advanced techniques available for eliminating fat accumulations that do not respond well to exercise or diet alone. Injecting local anesthetic into affected zones makes fat removal much simpler with lesser tissue trauma involved in its removal.

Tumescent liposculpture offers an alternative to conventional liposuction with minimal downtime following its procedures, using local anesthesia instead of sutures and leaving small incisions without suture need. A microcannula is then introduced directly into your fat area through small incisions which do not need sutures for closure – these small cuts leave minimal visible marks behind while gently loosening fat cells before sucking them out of your body through suctioning.


Muscle Stimulation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) uses electrical energy to contract muscles similar to traditional exercise routine, though much faster. Within just 30 minutes you could do an equivalent of 20000 crunches! Your body reacts by strengthening muscles while increasing abdominal or buttock strength depending on which areas need improvement.

Cosmetic Laser Dermatology’s CoolTone uses magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS technology) to stimulate muscle fibers into involuntary muscular contraction. With CoolTone you can build abdominal and buttock muscles for increased tone and contoured results for firmer looking, more contoured bodies.

Kybella Fat Dissolving Injection

Our medical professionals use Kybella’s fat dissolving injection for small areas under the chin or bra area where fat deposits have amassed. Through extensive FDA studies that were completed prior to its approval as well as more modern solutions we strive to deliver maximum results with every injection treatment session.

Body Sculpting Pros and Cons

Body Sculpting Pros and Cons


Pros of Body Sculpting

There are various advantages associated with noninvasive procedures for body sculpting:

  • No-Surgery: Can reduce risks related to general anesthesia and incision scarring as well as lengthy healing processes.
  • No downtime: These procedures fit seamlessly into busy lifestyles with immediate returns to tasks being performed following treatment, making these treatments simple to fit into an already full calendar.
  • Simple, Quick, Comfortable Treatments: At Body Contouring Center of Charlotte we take great pride in making sure the comfort of our patients while they undergo body contouring treatments. Most procedures can usually be completed during lunch time according to their extent; making these ideal procedures for people living busy lives with tight schedules or active lives.
  • Notable Results: Non-surgical body sculpting techniques produce naturally stunning outcomes, according to both clinical research and patient feedback. They deliver tangible outcomes; as technology improves, procedures will only become quicker and more effective.


Cons of Body Sculpting

Although body contouring treatments offer many individuals who seek to appear and feel their absolute best without surgery an excellent opportunity, there are other factors they must take into consideration before embarking upon these procedures. Here are a few factors:

  • Body sculpting is not intended as a solution for weight loss: Rather it provides individuals with the means to reduce unwanted bulges from troublesome areas that cannot be resolved through traditional means such as diet or exercise alone. Unfortunately it will not lead to lower numbers on your scale!
  • Possible Side Effects: Though side effects will typically be temporary, there could be temporary swelling, redness and tenderness as well as possible bruising and diminished sensation in areas treated.
  • Slow Results: When it comes to certain procedures, effective outcomes could take six months or longer before becoming evident.
  • Multiple Procedures: To achieve maximum effectiveness of treatment options available to you, multiple procedures may need to be combined together in order to see success. Your physician can give an estimate as to the number of sessions necessary in order to reach desired goals.
  • Limitations on Treatment Areas: Although most instruments are tailored specifically towards treating specific body regions, liposuction can be applied almost everywhere that has excess fatty tissue deposits.