Coventry Direct Pros and Cons

Are you selling Coventry Direct policy for cash you have owned for some time now, yet find nerve-wracking to sell? Here is why selling it might make you uneasy:

Before selling your life insurance policy for cash, carefully evaluate all potential upsides and downsides. Here we examine some potential upsides and downsides associated with selling it for money.

How does selling your life insurance policy work?
Once you decide to sell, a third party such as a licensed life settlement company will purchase your policy as payment; either in cash or without future premium payments as they will take control upon your death and collect your death benefit instead of your beneficiaries. If only part of your policy was sold (known as retained death benefit), its remaining portion would still pass to its rightful beneficiaries.

Life settlement providers provide various reasons for people choosing to sell their policy through life settlement. Selling off life settlement is an ideal solution for those no longer needing insurance and/or cannot afford its premium payments – usually four times more than its surrender value!

Coventry Direct Pros and Cons

Now that we understand how life settlement works, let’s examine its advantages and disadvantages. Learn the positives and negatives associated with selling your policy as we dive in headfirst! Here is our pro/con list!

Pros of Coventry Direct

No more monthly premiums: No Monthly Subscriptions By selling your policy to a settlement provider, they’ll take ownership – including monthly premium payments that increase with age – while offering you an attractive lump-sum offer from them as payment. Selling is always beneficial!

Life Settlement Offers Higher Payout: Life settlement can provide seniors with more of their own money instead of going straight back into insurance company hands after surrendering or lapping life policies, with an average four times larger payout versus their surrender value cash surrender value payout. Essentially this puts more of it back in their own pockets instead of going right to life insurance providers!

Cash payout now: Now is the time to maximize life insurance policies – maximized now rather than waiting! Your life circumstances change over time; as your beneficiaries pass, and children become financially independent they no longer require their death benefits as much. Utilize life insurance policies now rather than waiting – maximize its benefits now for a more secure financial future!

Use Your Proceeds However You Choose: With cash proceeds from selling an insurance policy comes immense freedom when it comes to choosing how you use them – save for retirement; use it towards assisted living costs; use it towards family vacation expenses… When selling insurance policies it’s entirely your decision how your funds will be put to use!

Cons of Coventry Direct

Your life settlement proceeds may be subject to taxation: Life settlements may come with tax bills depending on how they’re taxed; generally the whole cash payment won’t incur taxes; only any profits (i.e. the proceeds minus insurance costs) would fall under long-term gains taxation rules. Consult a tax expert if a life settlement may be suitable for you and discover more information regarding potential tax implications associated with conversion of a policy.

Beneficiaries could receive either reduced death benefits, or none at all: Your loved ones might not receive anything in your policy upon your death depending on whether or not you opt to retain any benefits for yourself. In these instances, life settlement firms take over financial risks when purchasing it and receive either part or the entire death benefit as compensation for the risk they assume when purchasing policies.

You may not qualify for another life insurance policy.
Should you decide to sell your policy of life insurance, life insurers are less likely to provide another plan should unforeseen needs arise in the future. Therefore, before selling off any policy you need for life cover it’s wiser to be certain there won’t be a need in future years as insurance premiums become harder and harder for insurers to subsidize in their pricing structures.

Are You Wondering If Selling Life Insurance Is Right For You?

A life settlement provides an attractive alternative to surrendering or letting lapse your policy as it can be more profitable to sell rather than surrender or let lapse, not to mention eliminating monthly premium payments altogether.

Discover if there’s an available settlement option if you plan to surrender or lapse your life insurance policy, with possibly higher payout options possible.

Wondering if you qualify for a life settlement?

Are You looking for money and considering buying out your life insurance policy with Coventry Direct as part of their Life Settlement? Seniors age 65+ who own policies worth at least $100,000 could potentially qualify. All types of life insurance such as whole, universal, variable policies group survivorship policies as well as term life policies with convertible features might all qualify; Contact Coventry Direct today and learn about buying life policies with cash benefits!